About – Paris Gamble
Paris Gamble
Chief Operating Officer and Chief Product Officer
Paris Gamble is owner of PG Consulting, a provider of applications services and project management for organizations that use Human Capital Management and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems around the United States. This includes implementing technical infrastructures for business applications as well as migrating systems between and within organizations, and upgrading hardware and business intelligence tools. PG has worked with many health care systems such as Palomar Health, Mayo Clinic and Fairview Health—as well as clients in other industries including oil and gas, K-12 education, and Indian Nations.
As the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Lifestyle Learning, he developed Career Navideer, the company’s career readiness software. This company reflects his longstanding interest in the intersection of STEM education and careers. He is the author of “How the Internet Can Assist in Various Human Resources Functions,” published in Healthcare and HR Business.
Gamble is a speaker and workshop presenter for business leaders and technical experts around the country including serving as keynote speaker for the Vanguard Awards for IBM and Project Financial as well as Risk Management presenter for the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). IBM, NSBE, Michael’s Stores, Stanford Hospital and Clinics, PS/4 Computer Consulting, and Superior Consulting Company have all honored him for his work. Gamble earned the M.S. in Management Science and Human Resources from Southern Nazarene University and the B.S. in Liberal Arts from the University of Central Oklahoma.